Mark Your Calendar – The Annual OCC Family Picnic and Swap Meet is this Saturday July 26th from 11 AM to 4 PM at Highland Forest. We are again using the Torbert Shelter located above the main parking lot across from the old office, which is a few hundred yards beyond the turn for the new Skyline Lodge – simply stay on
the main road. We do NOT have to pay the $1.00 parking fee since parking is included in the shelter rental fee. Bring the family, friends, something to grill and, if you’re feeling sociable, a dish or treat to pass. In the past, deserts have been the main “pass-arounds” Soda, beer, and chips will be provided as will hot dogs for those who forget to bring something. Bring your mountain bikes to try the great trails or to pre-ride the race course for the following week’s Highland Forest Classic. Last year’s bike-parts swap meet was a success, so if you have extra parts or swag you’d like to sell, trade, or pass on, bring them along — your old stuff might be just what somebody else needs to fix or complete a bike!

The Saturday morning club road ride will leave at 10:00 from the lower parking lot at the foot of the sledding hill and should return in time for lunch. Since there will be some extra food and drink, come on up the hill and relax with your friends after the ride. Last year we had a great turn-out and a good time was had by all. Call or email Chad Bradshaw (446-0936, for info or questions.