Yesterday afternoon saw the beginning of a series of new rides designed to support women riders. Ten riders departed the Fayetteville Towne Center for a fifteen-mile jaunt. We had a good mixture of skill levels, so it was a bit of a challenge to pick a pace that would accommodate everybody, but with occasional re-grouping after intersections, we were able to stick together. Once we reached roads with less traffic, we were able to double up and chat a little with each other. Highlights of the night included a little dog furiously turning circles as we rode past his yard; and a tongue-in-cheek offer for cold refreshments from a homeowner while we were stopped in front of his yard waiting for people to catch up (we declined!). In addition, many riders commented on the fragrance of lilacs as we passed numerous bushes in full bloom.

Everybody seemed very enthusiastic, eager to learn and willing to share tips and suggestions with one another. As we arrived back at our vehicles, most people were already commenting that they were planning to attend the next ride. I can assure you that your ride leaders are looking forward to it as well!