We were very disappointed last night when neither Donald, Daisy, Hewy, Dewy, nor Lewy showed up to ride.  This of course also meant that the M&M’s didn’t come either.  With this type of disappointment I am not sure how much longer we can continue these rides.  On a bright note, Lee Baleno was there and as cheerful as ever and we did a nice slow-n-easy 10 miles.  We do enjoy it when she comes and it has nothing to do with the milk and cookies she brings for after the ride.  Anyway hope to see you next week same Slow-N-Easy place, Reed Webster Park Camillus, same Slow-N-Easy time, Thursday 6:00 PM.  Mike Lyon ridebent@twcny.rr.com and Tony Baleno abaleno@twcny.rr.com .