SUNDAY, 21 Nov. 1100 hrs.

Western Lights Plaza, Grand Ave., w. off S.Geddes St, Syr
Mileage: 10-30
Rating: F-R, Flat to Rolling
Map: Syr-C3
NOTE: this ride now starts from Western Lights Plaza, NOT downtown in Clinton Square as shown on the map. Modified maps will be available at the start.

OCC’s Last scheduled ride of 2010 although probably not the very last ride before the Winter Solstice kicks off a new season. In 2009, the last club ride was December 2, in shorts and mid-60 temps. Believe!

This ride has seen temperatures in the sixties and in the frozen-water-bottle-twenties but we’ll find Neither of those ranges on Sunday, just dry and sunny. Variously called the Western Onondaga Urban Loop, Turkey Trax, and even the Gritty-Industrial Tour, the ride will take you through the western city environs, to Camillus and looping back via Amboy and Lakeland.

Historically, ridden annually in the 90s, often with a stop at the Lakeland or Little Gem Diners (both of which have gone looking for pie-in-the-sky). Last ridden in 2000, the loop(s) offer an additional perspective on our county although many of the roads on the Western extension are pedaled over on other rides.

Questions, answers: 474-3801 & Bob Spear