As OCC passes the one thousand rider mark for the year and LeTour gets underway, our Prez is leading ‘No-drop’ rides on Saturday and Sunday. Weather looks to be summerly stunning.

Speaking of July warmth, I would urge those riders electing to tour on Sunday, rather than trying the TTT, to carry adequate hydration. There are more mileage options [30, 45, 65, 80, 100, 125] than there are refueling stops.

Traditionally, breaks on the century occur in McConnellsville at mile 48 and in Constantia [not on the cue sheet] at mile 80. The metric also goes into Constantia. The double-metrics are on their own…..

NOTE that this July 3 century {‘Almost-the-Fourth’} is an 0800 start time.

Also please NOTE, as Gail has mentioned earlier,
her ride on Monday, July 4:

<The ride start listed in the ride schedule is correct  at Three Rivers Plaza (Phoenix), although the map indicates Rts. 6 & 264 (Ped-Lars Corners)>

The web does not list the start venue but it is, indeed, at Three Rivers Plaza in Phoenix.

Questions, Answers:
email or 436-4675.