Each year the members and friends of OCC head out to Caughdenoy Rd.  in Cicero to cleanup a section of Onondaga County road adopted by the club (honest, it’s got our name on it).

This year we met on April 21st.

We had a good turnout on Saturday for our annual cleanup of the time trial route on Caughdenoy Road, despite the drizzle. 24 members and guests, and 17 Bike Syracuse kids took part on a raw day. Nobody did the scheduled ride at 11, altho intrepid Dave Baker arrived and left via bike. I’d like to thank Jerome Fire Equipment for use of their space, the Town of Clay for bag pickup on a Saturday, Wegmans (Rt 31) for a generous credit towards breakfast pizzas, John Baker and Mike Lyon for equipment and guidance, Norm Ashbarry for safety tips, and Steve Reiter for helping with myriad tasks, including arming the alarm and exiting Jerome’s without alerting a SWAT team.

See you all at the Bike Fair on Thursday (starts at 6 at Bella Domani, E of Rt 81 on Taft Rd).
               Steve Ransford